Our child care center operates on the belief that every child is precious. It is our privilege to work with your child, always striving to promote cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. Little Learners has been in operation for more than 25 years and staffed by child care professionals who have nearly 60 total years of work experience in the field. What makes us different is our working relationship with Washburn Tech students, who are enrolled in our Early Childhood Professional program. Together, we are building-up children, families and future child care workers.
The center is designed with learning centers such as art, manipulatives, block play, science, language arts and dramatic play where the children are in small groups. We also have large group times when the children listen to stories, sing songs and play active games. We have an outdoor playground for large motor development and a nutrition area with a full service kitchen to teach good eating habits.
Little Learners is open year-round from 7:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m. to meet the needs of our various constituent groups, which include Washburn Tech students and staff, Washburn University students and staff, and the community.
The center is open whenever the campus buildings are open. A schedule for the year as well as monthly calendars will be provided to parents.
Come inside Little Learners at Washburn Tech as the center's director, Tammy Schrickel, gives you a guided tour. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are unable to host you in-person so this quick tour provides the next, best option for parents who are looking for quality child care. For more information, complete and submit an interest form or contact Washburn Tech at 785.670.3395 or tammy.schrickel@washburn.edu.