Washburn Tech’s student records administrator maintains timely and accurate records of each student’s academic progress. From transcript requests to graduation requirements, the student records office is committed to meeting your needs. For more information, call 785.670.3355.
A transcript is an official copy of a student's permanent academic record. Each transcript costs $8.00. Checks and money orders can be made out to Washburn Tech.
Note: University policy prohibits issuing transcripts to any student with any financial or other unmet obligations to the University.
If you are planning to receive your certificate at the completion of the current semester, download and complete the Application for Certificate. Please return the form to Washburn Tech’s student services office. You must complete and return this form regardless of whether you participate in graduation ceremonies.
For Graduation information, please visit the Graduation page. You may watch a live stream of the ceremony on Washburn Tech's YouTube channel.
Check your grades by utilizing your MyWashburnTech account. This personalized web interface will help you track academic progress and keep you connected to Washburn Tech and Washburn University. Through your account, you can find out what is happening, change your personal information and even check the weather forecast.
By completing the Release of Information Form, you are allowing the release of specific information to the person(s) you designate. Please remember to include your name, WIN, the person you want to access your information and the specific records you want released.
Did you know that federal law protects student privacy? The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) exists to protect each student's right to privacy and to provide each student the right to inspect and review his or her education records. A notice of this policy is published each semester in the Registration Information Guide. FERPA means Washburn Tech can't share information about you without your permission.