At Washburn Tech, our instructors and staff members are our greatest asset.
As a technical instructor, Washburn Tech will support you in every way so you can focus on your students and their success. We recognize that Washburn Tech can only offer the quality programs it does because of your experience, expertise and commitment.
As a staff member, Washburn Tech recognizes that you have a major role in creating a campus environment that enables students to thrive. We appreciate that The Tech experience would not be possible without your efforts – from keeping up our grounds and facilities to ensuring our campus and students are safe, healthy and involved.
Washburn University has a multitude of resources available to employees such as: campus services, awards and recognitions, governance, benefits, grant opportunities and the annual United Way campaign. Reach out if you need assistance or have a question that is not addressed.
We want you to succeed so Washburn Tech can succeed.