At Washburn Tech, we believe that taking care of your mental health is key to your success, both academically and personally.
Contact us at:
Washburn Tech, Building A,
Student Services North
5724 SW Huntoon St.
Topeka, KS 66604
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: 785-670-3100
WU Campus Office Phone: Select option 1
24/7 Support: Select option 2
University Police: Select option 3
Washburn Tech Huntoon: Select option 4
Our free counseling services provide short-term, focused support to help you manage stress, build resilience, and develop strategies for thriving on campus. Students can access a variety of therapy techniques, including solution-focused counseling, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, and interpersonal methods, tailored to address common challenges you may face during college.
Counseling Services is intended to provide short term assistance to navigate circumstances that arise during college. If we determine that you would benefit from longer-term care or specialized support, we'll connect you with trusted community providers who can meet those needs.
Please note: We're unable to provide services related to ongoing court cases including disability petitions as our focus is on helping you navigate college life.
The Care Closet offers free non-perishable food and hygiene items to Washburn Tech students. To access this free and confidential resource, located at the Washburn Tech Huntoon campus, please stop by Student Services North, A building, main hallway, during school hours.
The Care Closet offers emergency personal care items such as toilet tissue, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and feminine care products. Food items are also available, including canned goods, boxed and packaged food, microwaveable meals and snack items. In addition, students may apply for emergency funds one time per semester.
Please visit us at Student Services North in the main hallway of A building during school hours.
The Bods Feeding Bods food and commodities pantry helps address the health and well-being of all members of the Washburn family. It was established to alleviate hunger and poor nutrition issues, as well as address the need for hygiene and household items. It is free to Washburn students, faculty and staff!
To complete a pantry order form, please submit a request using the online order link. Once the order form is processed, your box of items will be available for pick-up at either the Huntoon campus in the Student Services North Office, Washburn Tech East, or Washburn Tech Academy of Cosmetology. Orders placed by noon on Mondays will be delivered the following Wednesday morning. The box will be labeled with your WIN number, or phone number for GED and ESL students.
Bods Feeding Bods pantry is located on the Washburn University campus in Kuehne Hall, Room 101. The operating hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. when classes are in session. The pantry is closed from 12p.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch and each Wednesday to clean and restock. Feel free to stop by, or contact Bods Feeding Bods at bodsfeedingbods@washburn.edu or 785.670.3865.
The information and resources listed for each topic below is to provide supplemental help, and is not intended to take the place of discussing concerns with a mental health professional. If you, or someone you know, are experiencing a medical emergency, are in danger, have attempted suicide or are feeling suicidal, call 911 immediately. You also may call Washburn Campus Police 785.670.1300 (24 hours).
New Dawn Wellness and Recovery Center
(785) 266.0202
SAMHSA’s National Helpline
(800) 662.HELP (4357)
Sims-Kemper Clinical Counseling & Recovery Services
(785) 233.0666
ASHA International is dedicated to normalizing conversations about mental health and inspiring hope and well-being, one story at a time. Discover self-care resources for individuals who are Black, Brown, Indigenous and People of Color.
Asian Mental Health Collective is an organization to help you find the right therapist. AMHC offers a support group, access to their YouTube channel and numerous resources to address your concerns.
Latinx Therapy is a podcast, resource database and therapist directory committed to reducing mental health stigma for the Latinx community.
Therapy for Black Girls is an online space devoted to the mental wellness of Black women and girls. Find a provider for in-person or virtual sessions.
Therapy for Black Men was created to strip away stigma and provide a dedicated place for Black men and boys to seek support for mental health, whether in-person or remote.
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is here to assist you in learning about eating disorders and body image issues, beginning your journey to change, navigating recovery and relapse, seeking comfort from an online community, reaching out to a helpline and accessing helpful resources.
Recovery Warriors has created a safe space, podcast and mobile app for those in need of hope and motivation to put an end to eating disorders, body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and associated struggles.
Dougy Center is a website providing grief-related information, community connections and an extensive library of support resources for grieving families, friends and individuals of all ages.
LGBT National Help Center
(888) 843.4564
LGBT National Youth Talkline
(800) 246.PRIDE (7743)
M-F 3pm to 11pm, Sat 11am to 4pm
The Trevor Lifeline (LGBTQ+, ages 13-24)
(866) 488.7386
Text START to 678678
Chat: thetrevorproject.org
Trans Lifeline
(877) 565.8860
BlackLine is a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences to folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens.
DeQH supports South Asian LGBQ/TGNB+ individuals. You can send a message online, give a phone call or review resources to get the answers you need.
It Gets Better shares thousands of video stories to inspire and empower you so you know you are not alone.
The Trevor Project offers crisis support, an educational resource center on variety of topics, and an online community network (Trevor Space) to make friends, get advice, find support and safely express your authentic self.
Kansas Crisis Hotline
(888) END.ABUSE (363.2287)
National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799.SAFE (7233)
Text START to 88788
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
(866) 331.9474
Text LOVEIS to 22522
YWCA Center for Safety & Empowerment
(888) 822.2983
Bright Sky is an easy to use website and free app that provides support and information on how to spot the signs of domestic abuse and how to respond to domestic abuse.
Crisis Text Line
English: Text HOME to 741741
Spanish: Text AYUDA to 741741
Chat: connect.crisistextline.org/chat
WU Counseling Services
Mental Health is Health is designed to help you support and strengthen your emotional health and those around you. By selecting how you are feeling or what you are experiencing, you are provided with videos, articles, podcasts and web resources to help you learn about your feelings and experience and offer tools and skills you can practice to address and manage how you are impacted.
Sanvello is an app designed help you find self-care strategies and resources to develop skills aimed at managing symptoms and promoting healthy, sustainable behaviors.
Lifeline Pregnancy Center offers free pregnancy testing, free limited obstetric ultrasound and pregnancy options counseling.
Planned Parenthood delivers reproductive care and sex education information on matters such as pregnancy, birth control, abortion, emergency contraception, STIs, cancer, sexual orientation, gender identity and relationships.
Positive Connections provides free to low-cost testing and prevention of STIs and HIV.
Shawnee County Health Department works with low-income individuals and families to provide physical exams and health screenings, pregnancy testing and counseling, preconception counseling, contraception services, birth control, infertility services, STI screening and treatment, family planning, transition to motherhood support and nutrition care.
Kansas Crisis Hotline
(888) END.ABUSE (363.2287)
RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline
(800) 656.HOPE (4673)
Chat: online.rainn.org
SASS Crisis and Support Line
English: (844) 404.7277
Spanish: (800) 788.4727
YWCA Center for Safety & Empowerment
(888) 822.2983
1 in 6 is a resource for men who have experienced sexual abuse or assault and for those who care about them.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (and self-harm)
Dial or text 988
(800) 273.TALK (8255)
Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
Valeo 24-Hour Crisis Hotline
(785) 234.3300
Calm Harm is a free app that helps you manage or resist the urge to self-harm.
Kansas – A Friend Asks is a free app that helps provide the information, tools, and resources to help a friend (or yourself) who may be struggling with thoughts of suicide.
notOK App is a free digital panic button to get you immediate support via text, phone call, or GPS location from trusted contacts when you’re struggling to reach out and need it the most.
Compassionate Ear WarmLine
(866) WARMEAR (927.6327)
(913) 281-2251 (4pm to 10pm)
Kansas Crisis Number
(800) 784.2433
LGBT National Youth Talkline
(800) 246.PRIDE (7743)
M-F 3pm to 11pm, Sat 11am to 4pm
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
(866) 331.9474
Text LOVEIS to 22522
Teen Line
(800) TLC.TEEN (852.8336) 8pm to 12am
Text “TEEN” to 839863 (8pm to 11pm)
The Trevor Lifeline (LGBTQ+, ages 13-24)
(866) 488.7386
Text START to 678678
Chat: thetrevorproject.org
Veterans Crisis Line
(for all Service members and their families & friends, including National Guard and Reserve, even if not registered with VA)
(800) 273.8255 (press 1)
Dial 988 (press 1)
Text ANSWER to 838255
Chat: veteranscrisisline.net
Local and National Resources for Military Students
PTSD Coach has an online forum and free mobile app to provide you with education about PTSD, self-assessments, opportunities to find support, and tools that can help you manage the stresses of daily life.
Virtual Hope Box is a free mobile app for IOS and on Google Play that can be personalized to help you with coping, relaxation, distraction and positive thinking.