We have all worked diligently through the pandemic to protect the health and safety of our community, and we continue to follow CDC and Shawnee County Health Department guidance. In reviewing recent guidance and the fact the Delta variant is widespread in our community, we determined that some continued precautions will be necessary to maintain our traditional in-person classroom and campus experience.
If you have specific questions, we ask that you call a member of the Washburn Tech staff:
Masks are no longer required in most spaces on campus. Masks will continue to be required for those in days 6-10 of quarantine. In addition, those who feel more comfortable wearing masks may certainly do so and “maskshaming” in any form will not be tolerated. Locations which require masking will display Washburn-provided signage at each entrance to their facility.
HEERF Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Report
September 30, 2020
September 30, 2021 (best viewed in Chrome or Edge)
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2021 (best viewed in Chrome or Edge)
June 30, 2021 (best viewed in Chrome or Edge)
Revised June 30, 2021 (best viewed in Chrome or Edge)
March 31, 2021
March 31, 2022 (best viewed in Chrome or Edge)
HEERF Student Quarterly Combined Report
CRRSAA Emergency Student Grant Report (archive of reports by funding type)
CRRSAA March, 2021
CRRSAA June, 2021
CRRSAA Final Report
ARP Emergency Student Grant Report (archive of reports by funding type)
ARP Quarterly Report June 30, 2021
Students may apply for one-time assistance with specific expenses related to housing, food, health care, course materials, technology and/or child care. Awards will range from $100 to $6195. We will continue to award until all funds are exhausted.
All post-secondary certificate-seeking students that are enrolled in an on-campus based program that meets Title IV eligibility are able to apply for the CARES Act Emergency Grant. If you have received aid from a campus or college emergency fund before this date, you are still eligible to apply for this funding. Please request funds only if you are in immediate need.
We encourage students with urgent needs to apply once for emergency relief funds. We cannot guarantee the fulfillment of a second application at this time. As we process requests, we will review the fund balance and notify students if we have resources available to fulfill more requests.
Washburn Tech has created an application committee to process your application and FAFSA. An email from techemergencygrant@washburn.edu will be sent communicating review of your application. All emails to students will be sent to their Washburn email address. Once approved for funds setting up a direct deposit is the quickest way to receive your emergency funds. Please be sure that your account is set up for direct deposit.