Connect with job candidates who will move your business forward! Post your job openings with Washburn Tech and tap into a workforce pool of newly educated graduates. Our students train on the latest technology and follow curriculum that meets or exceeds industry standards. Finding the right employee can be a challenge. Let Washburn Tech help make the hiring process a little easier with our free job service, www.witjobs.net. Washburn Tech will review the submitted job postings and publish them within two working days. Washburn Tech reserves the right not to publish listings that do not fit into our fields of study or align with our core values.
Find a job that's right for you! We can connect you with top local companies that are looking for skilled workers. It's a free service and a great resource when trying to land a job. New postings are always being added so check the site often.
Look through our 30+ career programs to help find the employee skills you need. For more assistance, contact Business and Industry Center Coordinator Mark Stock at 785.670.2240 or mark.stock@washburn.edu.
Area companies will have an opportunity to connect with Washburn Tech students at our Spring Career Fair March 19 and 20. Companies in the healthcare field are invited to campus on Wednesday, March 20. All other industries are welcome on Tuesday, March 19. For more information, contact Steve Bryant-Collier at (785) 670.3357 or steven.bryant-collier@washburn.edu.