Welcome to the Washburn Tech website. At this time, Washburn Tech is incorporating into our official website accessibility standards issued by the federal access board on December 22, 2000.
We are pleased to provide an alternative medium for accessing information about our programs and services. If you have any suggestions for improving the accessibility features of our website, please contact webmaster@washburn.edu.
If you encounter any page which is difficult to read due to color contrast issues, please report this by calling (785) 670.2199 or sending an mail to techadmissions@washburn.edu.
Utilize our search bar, built into the navigation at the top of each page, to find information more quickly.
If there is any information or form that is not accessible, please call (785) 670.2199 or email techadmissions@washburn.edu.
We recommend Ai Squared's ZoomText Magnifier/Reader or Freedom Scientific's JAWS for Windows for screen reading. These programs read all the content of your screen including menus and dialogs. For more information on each of these products, refer to their respective links.
Some of our online documents are in portable document format (.PDF). To read these documents, download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Learn more about Web accessibility from the external links on our resources page.
Several resources may assist you in navigating your educational journey. If you can't find what you're looking for, please contact Shelley Bearman, assistant director of student accommodation services, at (785) 670.3364 or shelley.bearman@washburn.edu.